It’s a fitting pair, actually, as Trump shares many of the DiBiase character’s traits. Before the match, the Million Dollar Man greets America’s billion dollar man: Donald Trump. This being WrestleMania, there’s a very wealthy celebrity in the front row. He shoves $100 bills down the throats of defeated opponents and just over a year ago he actually bought the WWF championship after cheating Hogan out of the belt when that was nullified, he created his own “Million Dollar Belt” with diamond-encrusted dollar signs on the front. DiBiase is an ostentatious character who flouts his wealth. Right now Ted DiBiase, aka “The Million Dollar Man,” is about to wrestle Brutus Beefcake in an early undercard matchup. After a year of buildup, Hulk Hogan will attempt to win back the World Wrestling Federation championship from his former friend and tag-team partner, “Macho Man” Randy Savage.īut that’ll be in a few hours. The setting: WrestleMania V, the fifth in a series of professional wrestling super-shows. Though it’s early spring, the boardwalk is packed outside Trump Plaza and the convention hall next door. It’s an April Sunday in Atlantic City in 1989. Trump Plaza in its last month of operation.